
Running With the Pack – E-Commerce Account Manager Heath Stewart

Heath Stewart has been an important part of the Premier team for over three years.  He first started out in the returns department, before moving on to be the B&M Account Manager for the Southeast and West coast. He now serves as one of our E-Commerce Account Managers.
Heath is a lifelong enthusiast of all things automotive.  He loves anything with […]

Nicolette Allen as Customer Care Manager

Premier Performance is pleased to announce Nicolette Allen as the new Customer Care Manager.  Nicolette has been a strong part of the Premier team for 11 years.  Throughout her 11 years with Premier, she was a customer service representative for 6 months, Idaho Warehouse Manager for 4 years, Customer Service Manager for 1 ½ years, Southeast Sales Representative for 4 […]

Running With the Pack – Tech Sales Rep Mike Southwick

Mike Southwick has been a vital part of the Technical Sales team for over 6 years. Since starting out with Premier, Mike’s main priority has been fostering relationships with our customers that are driven by trust. He has developed a reputation for offering our customers the best in truck advice, from performance to accessories. His hands-on experience gives him […]